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The first are excessive activity of the ovarian nerves, derived from the hypogastric plexus; paralysis of uterine vaso-motor nerves, as a secondary result of this excessive action: exhaustion of these same vaso-motor nerves, as an element of general nervous exhaustion.

But if the case be recent the effect of taking cold begin, in the first few sittings, to treat eight or ten minutes as for common cold; then conclude the sitting by treating, about as many minutes, in the same manner as prescribed for chlorosis. If the disease be occasioned by uterine displacement, obstructing the os uteri, the organ must be restored to its normal position.

The mucous lining of the tube is clothed by a single layer of hair-like epithelium, whose current sweeps from the ovarian toward the uterine end of the tube; and it is these movements which propel the ovum from the ovary to the uterus. The Ovaries. The ovaries are two small bodies of an almond shape, and lie on either side of the uterus.

It was removed through the vagina, and two days later labor-pains set in, and in two hours she was delivered of a uterine child. The placenta was left behind and drainage established through the vagina, and the woman made complete recovery. Combined Intrauterine and Extrauterine Gestation.

Now and then it happens that the most irrational acts will not interrupt pregnancy; indeed, they often seem particularly inert when practised intentionally. Fear of loosening the ovum from its uterine attachment prompts experienced women to caution prospective mothers against any kind of sudden or violent effort.

This last is greatly superior to the two former. This medicine is particularly serviceable in hysteric depressions proceeding from a cold cause, or obstruction of the uterine secretions, where other aromatics, even those of the more generous kind, have little effect.

Lee makes the following statement: "In the last two weeks of September, 1827, five fatal cases of uterine inflammation came under our observation.

Harley and Tanner speak of a woman of thirty-eight who never had borne twins, and who aborted a fetus of four months' gestation; serious hemorrhage accompanied the removal of the placenta, and on placing the hand in the uterine cavity an embryo of five or six weeks was found inclosed in a sac and floating in clear liquor amnii.