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The story of Priam's death on the citadel is told in all its tragic horror till the climax is reached. Then suddenly with astonishing force the mind is flung through and beyond the memories of the awful mutilation by the amazingly condensed phrase: jacet ingens litore truncus avulsumque umeris caput et sine nomine corpus.

Hæc finis Priami fatorum; hic exitus illum Sorte tulit, Trojam incensam et prolapsa videntem Pergama, tot quondam populis terrisque superbum Regnatorem Asiæ. Jacet ingens littore truncus, Avolsumque humeris caput, et sine nomine corpus. At me tum primum sævus circumstetit horror. Obstupui: subiit chari genitoris imago. They are Sworn to obey the king, the nation, and the law.

It was at this college that he had sketched out what he called his studies, and, through a scholar's teasing habit which still lingered in him, he never passed the facade without inflicting on the statue of Cardinal Pierre Bertrand, sculptured to the right of the portal, the affront of which Priapus complains so bitterly in the satire of Horace, Olim truncus eram ficulnus.

That the fall from an height was with an accelerated velocity; but to lift a weight up to that height again was difficult, and opposed by the laws of physical and political gravitation. In a political view, France was low indeed. She had lost everything, even to her name. Jacet ingens littore truncus, Avolsumque humeris caput, et sine nomine corpus.