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Christ, I tell 'e, Christ Christ Jesus Christ. It's Him as'll smuggle us all into heaven, not your psalm-smitin', knock-me-down, ten-commandment, cussin' God. I'm grawin' very auld an' I knaw what I knaw. Your God's a devil, fisherman a graspin', cruel devil; an' them the devil saves is damned.

But he could only adjust his wig and tap his snuff-box; for such was the lukewarm state of religion in those days, that not an aisle, steeple, porch, east window, Ten-Commandment board, lion-and-unicorn, or brass candlestick, was required anywhere at all in the neighbourhood as a votive offering from a distracted soul the last century contrasting greatly in this respect with the happy times in which we live, when urgent appeals for contributions to such objects pour in by every morning's post, and nearly all churches have been made to look like new pennies.

Santa Croce church is of the barrack-room stamp, dim and enormous, grey with years and seamed with work. An Italian religion, namely; perfectly sane, at bottom practical, with a base of plain, everyday, ten-commandment morality.

The verse you read declares that the Ten Commandments, covenant, law, and all from Sinai correspond with Hagar. What happened to her? She was cast out. So the old Ten-Commandment law is cast out in favor of a better one. Now turn to Hebrews 8 and read the last verse." "'In that he saith, a new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away."