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The operator wrote out his last version of the message on a telegraph-blank, inclosed it in a West ern Union envelope, which he addressed to Deacon Klegg, and gave to Abraham Lincoln, with strong injunctions to make all haste back home with it. Impressed with these, Abraham, as soon as he delivered his grain to the elevator, put his team to a trot, and maintained it until he reached home.

Van Lennop shook his clenched fist at the empty air, "the leading citizens of Crowheart shall HAVE justice!" He smoothed Prescott's crumpled telegram and reached for his code-book. When he had its meaning he pulled a telegraph-blank toward him, and wrote: Carry out my instructions to the letter. Do not neglect the smallest detail. Leave no stone unturned to accomplish the end in view. "Oh, Doc!"

He didn't look 'round when we come up, but just stared at the water. "Hey, Elijah!" says Brown. He was always calling Beriah "Elijah" or "Isaiah" or "Jeremiah" or some other prophet name out of Scripture. "Does this go?" And he held out the telegraph-blank with the morning's prediction on it. Beriah looked around just for a second.

Slowly his hand went to the desk. The little crowding figures drew back to give him freedom of movement as he stretched his hand out for a telegraph-blank. He drew it to him. He seized a pen and wrote rapidly: "Build no more mills, take the children out of those already in operation, put men in their places. We will be content with less profit in the future." He read over the telegram.

He tore open the end of the envelope, pulled out the inclosure, which was an ordinary printed telegraph-blank, filled in with three lines of writing, as follows: "Been very ill come on at once at once must hear all no alternative" in the scrawly and unpunctuated chirography peculiar to written telegrams. The name signed was "M. Vauderp."