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"But if one man can git to be a doctor, and another a barranit, and another a capting in the navy, and another a countess, and another the wife of a governor of the Cape of Good Hope, I begin to perseave that the littery trade ain't such a very bad un; igspecially if you're up to snough, and know what's o'clock.

When a raskle and a simpleton is always together, and when the simpleton is RICH, one knows pretty well what will come of it. I was but a lad in them days, but I knew what was what, as well as my master; it's not gentlemen only that's up to snough. Law bless us! there was four of us on this stairkes, four as nice young men as you ever see: Mr. Bruffy's young man, Mr. Dawkinses, Mr.

"You see, Tit my boy, I'm a connyshure, and up to snough; and if ever I see a lady in my life, Mrs. Titmarsh is one. I can't be fimiliar with her I've tried " "Have you, sir?" said I. "Don't look so indignant! I can't, I say, be fimiliar with her as I am with you.

But, unfortunately, most of them were poar; and love and a cottidge was not quite in master's way of thinking. Well, about this time my Lady Griffin and Miss G. made their appearants at Parris, and master, who was up to snough, very soon changed his noat. The ladies, if they hated befoar, you may be sure detested each other now wuss than ever.