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A writing-table jutted into the room from a second window, backing against Miss Reid's. On its flap lay German volumes on biology and a little treatise in English about "Advanced Methods of Imbedding, Sectioning and Staining." The window ledge held a vase of willow and alder twigs, whose buds appeared to be swelling.

It is not advisable to use horses with side-bones on the road or city streets. Shoeing with rubber pads may help in overcoming the concussion and relieve the lameness. Sectioning the sensory nerves going to this portion of the foot is advisable in driving horses. Rest and counterirritation relieve the lameness for a short time.

Her shining head was already bent over the microscope; her pencil was moving, glad to respond to the touch of that lovely hand. I picked up a book, the same little volume I had noticed the day before, on "Imbedding, Sectioning and Staining." Near it lay a treatise on histology.

Certain cases may be greatly benefited by sectioning the tendons of the external and middle flexors of the metacarpi. To insure a successful outcome in any case that is operated on, a long period of rest is required. This blemish is due to an inflammation of the periosteum. It is a very common blemish and is generally located along the splint bones of the forefeet, especially the internal ones.

Sprains and injuries to the region of the fetlock should receive the necessary treatment. The treatment for contracted tendon is largely surgical and consists in sectioning it.

Sectioning the sensory nerves that go to the part should not be practised, unless in exceptional cases. Give the causes of shoulder lameness; give the treatment. Describe capped elbow; give the treatment. What is "broken knee"? What are "wind-galls" and "road-puffs"? Give the cause and treatment of sprung-knee. Give the cause and treatment of splints.

Quantitative or accentual metrics would be as artificial in French as stress metrics in classical Greek or quantitative or purely syllabic metrics in English. French prosody was compelled to develop on the basis of unit syllable-groups. Assonance, later rhyme, could not but prove a welcome, an all but necessary, means of articulating or sectioning the somewhat spineless flow of sonorous syllables.