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In these beds there are fragments of wood, legs of crabs, barnacles encrusted with corallines still partially retaining their colour, imperfect fragments of a Pholas distinct from any known species, and of a Venus, approaching very closely to, but slightly different in form from, the V. lenticularis, a species living on the coast of Chile.

"What did you say it was?" asked Mrs Gilmour. "A `fowl, sure? Faith it's a quare-looken' bird, Cap'en dear!" The Captain smiled, but he was not to be tempted away from his hobby. "The pholas, I said, ma'am," he replied.

When these flints, probably long exposed in the atmosphere, became submerged, they were covered with barnacles, and the surface of the chalk became perforated by the Pholas crispata, each fossil shell still remaining at the bottom of its cylindrical cavity, now filled up with loose sand from the incumbent crag.

It was with a view to test this that Panceri dissected out the luminous organs of so many specimens of Pholas.

"What?" exclaimed Bob and Nellie together, stooping down to where the Captain was poking about with the end of his malacca cane in the sandy shingle. "What is it, sir?" "A pholas," he answered.