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It should also be stated that the terms "malamute" and "husky" are very generally confused and often used interchangeably. The malamute, the Alaskan Esquimau dog, is precisely the same dog as that found amongst the natives of Baffin's Bay and Greenland.

A good, spirited husky will carry his tail erect like a malamute, but the ears are not permanently pricked up; they are mobile. He is, perhaps, the general preference amongst dog drivers in the interior, but he has not the graceful distinction of appearance of the malamute.

The malamute is the Esquimau dog; and what for want of a better name is called the "Siwash" is the Indian dog.

They shall have a good long rest soon for they've well earned it," and George MacDougall patted the snow white head of the nearest malamute looking up into his face for sympathy. Next day the men had eaten, slept and rested.

Her supple hands, her shrill, eager voice, the snapping black eyes, all had the effect of startling headlines to the story she might be telling. "Am I a wreck?" the big Scotchman wanted to know. "I feel as husky as a well-fed malamute." "Oh, you talk. But we all know you how brave and strong you are. That's why this outrage ought to be punished. What would Alaska do if anything happened to you?"

Only last week she heard the faint squeaks and squeals of Nellie Silk's malamute pups, and I caught her tunneling under the manger to try to get to them. Mego's kidnapping is the one scandal in the Kennel." "I suppose they were siren calls, not to be resisted. And anyway, that is the only blot on her otherwise spotless character.

A mile before we reached the mission was the new village built by the Esquimaux "Kobuk town" they call it and right in front of the village the Malamute Riffle, a noted difficulty of navigation, was still running wide open, though all the rest of the river was long closed.

"Oh, 'Scotty, can't you do something for poor Wolf?" and the tears came to the Woman's eyes as she laid a pitying hand on the handsome head of the tawny malamute. "It's too late," said Allan regretfully. "He was a good dog, too; and would have made a strong addition to the team, properly handled."