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Updated: August 23, 2024

The most plentiful springs occur at Hit, on the middle Euphrates. They are also found, however, farther north, as at Kaleh-Shergat, near the Tigris. As for the bituminous springs of Hammam-Ali, near Mossoul, see PLACE, Ninive et l'Assyrie, vol. i. p. 236. Genesis xi. 3. HERODOTUS, i. 179. Warka, its Ruins and Remains, by W. KENNETH LOFTUS, p. 9. LOFTUS, Travels and Researches, i. p. 169.

PLACE, Ninive et l'Assyrie, vol. i. pp. 211-224. Genesis xi. 3. LAYARD, Discoveries, pp. 506 and 531. See, for Chaldæa, LOFTUS, Travels and Researches, p. 133; and for Assyria, PLACE, Ninive et l'Assyrie, vol. i. p. 250, and vol. ii. plates 38 and 39.

The Louvre possesses an Assyrian brick rather more than 17-1/2 inches square. VITRUVIUS, 1. ii. ch. 3. PLACE, Ninive et l'Assyrie, vol. i. p. 225. The vault of the gallery discovered by LAYARD in the centre of the tower that occupied a part of the mound of Nimroud was constructed in the same fashion. Discoveries in the Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon, p. 126.

See, e.g., Gudea, Inscription F, cols. iii, iv. See pp. 397, 398. See Peters' Nippur, ll. 131, and Hilprecht, Cuneiform Texts, ix. pl. xiii. Amer. Oriental Soc. See, e.g., Layard, Monuments of Nineveh, 1st series, pls. 7, 23; Place, Nineve et l'Assyrie, pl. 46, etc. Soc. Bibl.

PLACE, Ninive et l'Assyrie, vol. i. p. 236; LAYARD, Nineveh, vol. ii. p. 261. LOFTUS, Warka, its Ruins, &c. p. 10. PLACE, Ninive, vol. i. pp. 29 and 248. BOTTA, Monument de Ninive, vol. v. p. 58. See also TAYLOR on "Mugheir," &c. At Birs-Nimroud these conduits are about nine inches high and between five and six wide.

PLACE, Ninive et l'Assyrie, vol i. p. 64. XENOPHON, Anabasis, iii. 4, 7-11. The identity of Larissa and Mespila has been much discussed. Oppert thinks they were Resen and Dour-Saryoukin; others that they were Calech and Nineveh. The question is without importance to our inquiry. See the History of Art in Ancient Egypt, vol. i. p. 113.

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