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In another letter Mr. Richmond says, 'Perfect craftsmanship, such as was Van Eyck's, Holbein's, Bellini's, Michael Angelo's, becomes more valuable as time goes on. It is interesting to hear that Mr. Richmond admires Holbein's craftsmanship, but it will be still more interesting if he will explain how and why the head of the old Bohemian in the picture entitled "L'Absinthe" is inferior to Holbein.

"Allons, mon brave; de l'absinthe, toi?" as the cabaret swallowed them up. Great and mighty were the cries and the oaths that issued from the cabaret's open doors and windows. The Villerville fisherman loved Bacchus only, second to Neptune; when he was not out casting his net into the Channel he was drinking up his spoils.

The portrait of Deboutin in the picture entitled "L'Absinthe" is a later work, and is not quite so nearly in the manner of Holbein; but it is quite nearly enough to allow me to ask Mr. Richmond to explain how, and why it is inferior to Holbein. Inferior is not the word I want, for Mr.

"There's some fool in 'Frisco who insures us, and comes down like a wolf on the fold on the profits; but we'll get even with him some day." "Well, I suppose it's all right about the cargo," said Havens. "O, I suppose so!" replied Dodd. "Shall we go into the papers?" "We'll have all to-morrow, you know," said Havens; "and they'll be rather expecting you at the club. C'est l'heure de l'absinthe.

"There's some fool in 'Frisco who insures us, and comes down like a wolf on the fold on the profits; but we'll get even with him some day." "Well, I suppose it's all right about the cargo," said Havens. "O, I suppose so!" replied Dodd. "Shall we go into the papers?" "We'll have all to-morrow, you know," said Havens; "and they'll be rather expecting you at the club. C'est l'heure de l'absinthe.

Before commenting on the very thoughtless utterances of two distinguished men, I think I must even at the risk of appearing to attach over-much importance to my criticisms reprint what I said about L'Absinthe; for in truth it was I who first meddled with the moral tap, and am responsible for the overflow: