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We won't be here long enough to make it worth while." Dunark smilingly replied that he would make his guests as comfortable as he could, and after informing them that in one kam he would return and escort them in to koprat, took his leave. Scarcely had the guests freshened themselves when he was back, but he was no longer the Dunark they had known.

Unheeding Seaton's remark, the Karfedix took his wireless from its hook at his belt and sent a brief message. "I have summoned Karbix Tarnan to perform the ceremony. Our usual time for ceremonies is just before koprat is that time satisfactory to you?" Assured that it was, he turned to his son. "Dunark, you are more familiar than I with the customs of our illustrious visitors.

The falsework was rapidly removed and the sustaining framework was painted with opaque varnish to render it plainly visible. At Seaton's suggestion the walls of the cabins were also painted, leaving transparent several small areas to serve as windows. The second work-period was drawing to a close, and as Seaton and Crane were to be married before koprat, they stopped work.

I feel more like myself, now that I am again in my trappings and have my weapons at my side. Will you accompany me to koprat, or are you not hungry?" as he attached the peculiar timepieces to the wrists of the guests, with bracelets of the deep-blue metal. "We accept with thanks," replied Dorothy promptly. "We're starving to death, as usual."