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"A man 'at's honest i' the main may play the verra dog afore he gets the deevil oot o' 'im ance he's in like that. We'll hae to cast a k-not or twa aboot 'im an' lay 'im i' the boddom o' the boat." The six had already started after him like one man. But Malcolm cried, "Let him go: he has done me no wrong yet, and I don't believe will do me any. But for no risk must we prevent wrong with wrong."

"A man 'at 's honest i' the main may play the verra dog afore he gets the deevil oot o' 'im ance he 's in like that. We'll ha'e to cast a k-not or twa aboot 'im, an' lay 'im i' the boddom o' the boat." The six had already started after him like one man. But Malcolm cried, "Let him go: he has done me no wrong yet, and I don't believe will do me any.

"Stan' still," said Peter, "or I ha'e a han'fu' o' twine i' my pooch 'at I'll jist cast a k-not aboot yer airms wi' in a jiffey." His lordship stood still, muttering curses. Then Malcolm stepped into the middle of the room approaching his sister.

"Stan' still," said Peter, "or I hae a han'fu' o' twine i' my pooch 'at I'll jist cast a k-not aboot yer airms wi' in a jiffey." His lordship stood still, muttering curses. Then Malcolm stepped into the middle of the room, approaching his sister.

Curly did as he was desired, and drew out a yard and a half of garden-line. "Jist pit it wi' ae single k-not roon' her neck, an' twa three o' ye tak' a haud at ilka en', and pu' for the life o' ye!" They hauled with hearty vigour, Juno's teeth relaxed their hold of Alec's calf; in another minute her tongue was hanging out her mouth, and when they ceased the strain she lay limp on the snow.