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In general it may be said that the rite of marriage does not mark so complete a change in the recognised relations of the young couple as with ourselves, except perhaps in those parts of this country where "handfasting" is recognised as customary and regular.

The 'handfasting' thus concluded, 'Ye hae forgot the bride ale! cried many voices. 'We mun drink their health, Provost, ye ken. Bring oot the ale, canny man! 'Ay, or clairt, suggested a thin-faced scrivener. 'A mutchkin o' usquebaugh for ilka man, shouted a burly flesher, ''tis mair heartenin'.

When he came to the discussion of the handfasting engagement, he was struck with the ominous and displeased expression of Murray's brows, and, contrary to all prudential and politic rule, seeing something was wrong, yet not well aware what that something was, had almost stopped short in his narrative.

The betrothal, or handfasting, was, in Massinger's time, a ceremony that entailed very serious obligations upon the parties to it. There were two classes of spousals sponsalia de futuro and sponsalia de praesenti: a promise of marriage in the future, and an actual declaration of present marriage. This last form of betrothal was, in fact, marriage, as far as the contracting parties were concerned.

And on both sides the men set down their arms, and began to pile mighty fires, that the peace made should not want its handfasting feast. For the fair princess had won her own, and there was naught but gladness.