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Lupin said: "What price Perkupp now? You take my tip, Guv. 'off' with Perkupp and freeze on to Gylterson, the firm of the future! Perkupp's firm? The stagnant dummies have been standing still for years, and now are moving back. I want to go on. In fact I must go OFF, as I am dining with the Murray Poshs to-night."

I found him in most extravagant spirits and in evening dress. He threw a letter on the table for me to read. To my amazement, I read that Gylterson and Sons had absolutely engaged Lupin at a salary of 200 pounds a year, with other advantages. I read the letter through three times and thought it must have been for me. But there it was Lupin Pooter plain enough. I was silent.

My boy Lupin not only had the assurance to receive him, but recommended him the firm of Gylterson, Sons and Co. Limited. In my own humble judgment, and though I have to say it against my own son, this seems an act of treachery. This morning I receive a letter from Perkupp, informing me that Lupin's services are no longer required, and an interview with me is desired at eleven o'clock.

Two letters came in the evening one for me, with "Crowbillon Hall" printed in large gold-and-red letters on the back of the envelope; the other for Lupin, which I felt inclined to open and read, as it had "Gylterson, Sons, and Co. Limited," which was the recommended firm. I trembled as I opened Mr. Crowbillon's letter.