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But such children as ours! such charmers! such delights! there isn't a man in the county, from the Lord-Lieutenant downwards, who wouldn't be proud who wouldn't think it a compliment to be asked to be god-papa to such children. I tell you what, Mr. Jogglebury Crowdey, it would be far better to get them rich god-papas and god-mammas than to leave them a whole house full of sticks.

Sponge was persuasive enough to induce him to accompany him, and it was finally arranged that Leather should go on with the horses, and Jog should drive Sponge to cover in the phe-a-ton. Mrs. Jogglebury Crowdey was a good deal disconcerted at Gustavus James's irreverence to his intended god-papa, and did her best, both by promises and entreaties, to bring him to a more becoming state of mind.

"My boy!" said Delme, and his eyes were moist, "did you ever hear of your Uncle Henry?" "Emily! Emily! Julia!" exclaimed the little fellow, as he rushed into Sir Henry's arms, "here is Uncle Henry, my god-papa, and he will help us to reach the blackberries." We need follow the wanderer no further.

Sponge for a god-papa for Gustavus James eclipsed all her other doings. Mr.

"Your young one screams like a cat!" said the reverend official. The mother was hurt at this reflection upon her offspring; but a prophetic god-papa, who stood by, consoled her by saying, "that the louder he cried when a child, all the more beautifully would he sing when he grew older."

'Why, now, if you were to try and get this rich Mr. Sponge for a god-papa for Gustavus James, continued she, drying her eyes as she came to the point, 'that, I should say, would be worthy of you. 'That's nothing, replied Mrs. Jogglebury; 'he's a stranger, and you should call upon him. Mr.

Jogglebury Crowdey was a fine, bustling, managing woman, with a large family, for whom she exerted all her energies to procure desirable god-papas and mammas; and, no sooner did she hear of this newcomer, than she longed to appropriate him for god-papa to their youngest son. 'Jog, my dear, said she, to her spouse, as they sat at tea; 'it would be well to look after him.