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She sails up the rushing river on a slender fir-branch springs from one cliff to another, with her long snow-white hair, fluttering around her, and with her bluish-green mantle, which resembles the water of the deep Swiss lakes. "Crush, hold fast! the power is mine!" cried she. "They have stolen a lovely boy from me, a boy, whom I had kissed, but not kissed to death.

Petrified at their peep-holes, they watched him, in the veritable presence of Santa Claus himself with the fir-branch, fish out five battered pennies from the depths of his pocket and pass them over to the woman behind the jars, in exchange for one of the bundles of honey-cakes tied with blue. As if in a dream they saw him issue forth with the coveted prize.

The small dark heads of the swallows could be seen as they crouched and twittered beneath the gables of the old mansion, and the distant trickling of water made a soft accompaniment to these varied sounds. One afternoon when the Blackbird was thus perched on his favourite fir-branch he saw the old Rook sailing slowly by.

'Yes, now I have. She struck a fir-branch with her riding-whip, scattering flakes on my head. 'Would that extinguish it? 'In the form of an avalanche perhaps it would. 'Then you make your aims a part of your life? 'I do. 'Then you win! or it is written of you that you never knew failure! So with me. I set my life upon my aim when I feel that the object is of true worth.