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Concerning Epicurus, I have read Bayle's magnificent article in his Historical and Critical Dictionary, and Gassendi's work, De Vita et Moribus Epicuri. With this equipment, I have become one of the disciples of the master.

The very epithet of Horace, upon detaching himself from the Epicureans, "Epicuri de grege porcum," is full of charm. All noble minds have hymned Epicurus. "Hail Epicurus, thou honour of Greece!" Lucretius exclaims in the third book of his poem. "I have sought to avenge Epicurus, that truly holy philosopher, that divine genius," Lucian tells us in his Alexander, or the False Prophet.

'EPICURI DE GREGE PORCUS, I assented, and the fate of the black sow was sealed. Next day an express came from Holkham, to say that Lady Leicester had given birth to a daughter. My tutor jumped out of his chair to hand me the note. 'Did I not anticipate the event'? he cried. 'What a wonderful world we live in!

Epicuri de grege porci! No progress! Yes, I know all that, and am not saying what should have been, but what was. There was no progress!

Scholars may say that I have no right to enrol myself as one of the disciples of Epicurus, but when I think of myself, spontaneously there comes to my mind the grotesque epithet which Horace applied to the Epicureans in his Epistles, a characterization which for my part I accept and regard as an honour: "Swine of the herd of Epicurus, Epicuri de grege porcum."

She was one who disregarded great questions; who cared little or nothing what people said of her; who considered nothing worth the trouble of a fight; Epicuri de grege porca. But there was nothing swinish about Mrs. Clifford of Budleigh Salterton. She took life thoroughly in earnest.

Atticus applied himself to the practices of the Epicurean school, and did in truth become "Epicuri de grege porcus."

Who that believed in such a Universe, and did not design to live like a Papin's-Digester, or PORCUS EPICURI, in an extremely ugly manner in it, could avoid one of two things: Going rapidly into Bedlam, or else blowing his brains out? "It will not do for me at any rate, this infinite Dog-house; not for me, ye Dryasdusts, and omnipotent Dog-monsters and Mud-gods, whoever you are.