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Updated: August 20, 2024

Onely I counsel him that would ordayne the exercise of armes in his owne countrey, and desireth to fill the same with good horses, that he make two provisions: the one is, that he destribute Mares of a good race throughe his dominion, and accustome his menne to make choise of coltes, as you in this countrie make of Calves and Mules: the other is, that to thentente the excepted might finde a byer, I woulde prohibet that no man should kepe a Mule excepte he woulde keepe a horse: so that he that woulde kepe but one beaste to ride on, shoulde be constrained to keepe a horse: and moreover that no man should weare fine cloathe except he which doeth keepe a horse: this order I under stande hath beene devised of certaine princes in our time, whome in short space have therby, brought into their countrey an excellente numbre of good horses.

They have begged so importunatly that they have gotten ynto their hondes more than a therd part of all youre Realme. The goodliest lordshippes, maners, londes, and territories, are theyres. Besides this, they have the tenth part of all the come, medowe, pasture, grasse, wolle, coltes, calves, lambes, pigges, gese and chikens.

Tecumseh's skill as a hunter declines attending the treaty of Greenville in 1795 in 1796 removed to Great Miami in 1798 joined a party of Delawares on White river, Indiana in 1799 attended a council between the whites and Indians near Urbana another at Chillicothe in 1803 makes an able speech removes with the Prophet to Greenville, in 1805 the latter commences prophecying causes the death of Teteboxti, Patterson, Coltes, and Joshua governor Harrison's speech to the Prophet to arrest these murderers effort of Wells, the U.S. Indian agent, to prevent Tecumseh and the Prophet from assembling the Indians at Greenville Tecumseh's speech in reply he attends a council at Chillicothe speech on that occasion council at Springfield Tecumseh principal speaker and actor.

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