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Updated: July 31, 2024

There were no labels on the bottles; the little leaden capsules placed over the corks alone bore an inscription, and they were coated with a kind of ceruse, doubtless to ensure preservation. Then came two other rooms which formed regular packing shops, with carpenters' benches, tools, and heaps of shavings.

And though brass and iron be most hard in kind, yet if they be in strong fire without tin, they burn and waste away. If brazen vessels be tinned, the tin abateth the venom of rust, and amendeth the savour. Also mirrors be tempered with tin, and white colour that is called Ceruse is made of tin, as it is made of lead. Aristotle saith that tin is compounded of good quicksilver and of evil brimstone.

For he that writes but one sonnet upon any of the public persons shall be sure to have his reader at every third word cry out, "What an ass is this to call Spanish paper and ceruse lilies and roses, or claps influences; to say the Graces are her waiting-women, when they are known to be no better than her bawds; that day breaks from her eyes when she looks asquint; or that her breath perfumes the Arabian winds when she puffs tobacco!"

There were no labels on the bottles; the little leaden capsules placed over the corks alone bore an inscription, and they were coated with a kind of ceruse, doubtless to ensure preservation. Then came two other rooms which formed regular packing shops, with carpenters' benches, tools, and heaps of shavings.

However, Raymonde and Madame Desagneaux, as well as M. de Guersaint, who had such a lively imagination, experienced deep disappointment at sight of the little green barrel, the capsules, sticky with ceruse, and the piles of shavings lying around the benches.

As for her painting, doubtless she does that to remind her customers that she sells alabaster powder and ceruse." "Nay, if she wants to disgust them with painted faces she has but to show her own." "I grant she lays the stuff on badly. I hope, if I live to have as many wrinkles, I shall fill them better than she does. Yet who can tell what a hideous toad she might be in her natural skin?

However, Raymonde and Madame Desagneaux, as well as M. de Guersaint, who had such a lively imagination, experienced deep disappointment at sight of the little green barrel, the capsules, sticky with ceruse, and the piles of shavings lying around the benches.

White, with a little lake and blue verditer, make a good cloud colour for that part next the horizon. Crimson. Lake and white, with a little vermilion, shaded with lake and carmine. Flame Colour. Vermilion and orpiment, heightened with white. Another. Gamboge, shaded with minium and red lead. Flesh Colour. Ceruse, red lead, and lake, for a swarthy complexion, and yellow ochre. Another.

There were no labels on the bottles; the little leaden capsules placed over the corks alone bore an inscription, and they were coated with a kind of ceruse, doubtless to ensure preservation. Then came two other rooms which formed regular packing shops, with carpenters' benches, tools, and heaps of shavings.

Constant white and a little carmine, shaded with Spanish liquorice washed with carmine. French Green. Light pink and Dutch bice, shaded with green pink. Glass Grey. Ceruse, with a little blue of any kind. Hair Colour. Masticot, ochre, umber, ceruse, and cherry-stone black. Lead Colour. Indigo and white. Light Blue. Blue bice, heightened with flake white. Another.

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