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Updated: August 12, 2024

They have even, in the past, assisted in giving rise to the misconception that the people of Morocco were "Black-a-Moors." In many households the slave becomes the trusted steward of his owner, and receives a sufficient allowance to live in comfort. He will possess a paper giving him his freedom on his master's death, and altogether he will have a very good time of it.

And who used to sing such sweet verses about Orlandos and about the Black-a-moors, too; and Charly Charly magne, yes, that was the name, all under my lattice, in the west portico, on the moon-light nights at Venice? O! I have listened to him! 'I fear, to thy peril, my good Annette, said Emily; 'for it seems his verses have stolen thy heart.

"Sure I've bin a gineral all day, an' fought as well as the best of ye, and now I'm to be turned back into a cook an' an old woman, when I'd be watching as sharply as any of the men lest those spalpeens of black-a-moors should be coming back at night to attack us," she exclaimed, as she sheathed her sword and doffed the captain's coat and hat.

These stand in four separate houses, and are gilded all over except their heads, which resemble black-a-moors. The expences of these people in gilding their images are quite enormous. The king has only one wife, but above 300 concubines, by whom he is said to have 80 or 90 children.

From being best acquainted with their Moorish conquerors, the Spaniards and Portuguese have always been accustomed to name all the Arabians Moors, wherever they found them, and even gave at first the name of black Moors to the Negroes, whence our old English term Black-a-moors.

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