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To a commission thus constituted and thus instructed, Her Majesty's government could not only entertain no objection, but would be disposed, in common with all who sincerely desire the early and complete abolition of this detestable traffick, to look with hope and satisfaction. I am, etc., etc. Signé: Aberdeen.

I at that time informed the French ambassador that my conviction of the sincerity and zeal of M. Guizot for the abolition of the slave trade would induce me to receive any suggestions from him on the subject, and to submit them for the consideration of Her Majesty's government.

Tels sont les deux hommes que les Canadiens vont prendre pour chefs dans les premières années du régime parlementaire. Extract of a letter from the Right Honorable Lord Sidney, one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, to His Excellency Governor Haldimand, dated Whitehall, the 8th April 1784.

After detailing at length the reasons which have induced him to arrive at such a conclusion, he suggests to Her Majesty's government the expediency of appointing a joint commission for the purpose of inquiring whether means may not be discovered for the suppression of the slave trade, as effectual or even more effectual than those afforded by the treaties which confer the mutual right search.

Paymaster of His Majesty's 78th Regt. of Foot or his assigns, the sum of two thousand one hundred and sixty three pounds nineteen shillings and six pence sterling, being for subsistence of said Regiment between the 24th day of February and the 24th day of April 1760, both days inclusive, as p. account annexed, and for so doing this with the acquittance of the said Lieut.

It is unnecessary, therefore, to dwell on the means taken by Her Majesty's government to remove all reasonable grounds of objection to the exercise of the right of search, and on the care with which the instructions recently delivered to the officers employed in this service have been prepared.

Your Excellency may assure M. Guizot that her Majesty's government attach no special value to the right of search, except in so far as it affords an effectual means of suppressing the slave trade.

The mere fact, officially declared by M. Guizot, that the government, the Legislature and the people of France earnestly demand a revision of these engagements, while they profess at the same time an undiminished desire to attain the objects for which they were contracted, would afford to Her Majesty's government a sufficent reason for agreeing to the proposed enquiry.

Elle disait avec un air de profonde rêverie des paroles telles que celles-ci: «Aucun pair ne peut être couvert devant le roi, excepté Courcy, baron Kinsale, pair d'IrlandeElle disait: «Ce serait une injustice que mon mari ne fût pas lord-amiral, puisque mon père l'a étéEt elle faisait George de Danemark haut-amiral d'Angleterre, «and of all Her Majesty's Plantations». Elle était perpétuellement en transpiration de mauvaise humeur; elle n'exprimait pas sa pensée, elle l'exsudait.

Extract of a letter to the Right Honorable Lord North, one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, dated 27th November 1783, relative to settling Loyalists near the line 45.