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«It is impossible for any one to be more desirous of supporting the spanish government tham I am, whenever they are right, and especially against France. But in this case, we think them decidedly wrong; and I regret very much that your usually sound judgment should have been led to a different conclusion.

There was in him something of the Parisian Street gamin and something of the Oriental woman." These simple poems are charming in their freshness and naïveté, and established Daudet's reputation as a writer of light verse. The whole volume, and especially "Les Prunes," attracted the attention of the Empress Eugénie.

It was therefore obvious to Her Majesty's Government that M. de Pontois could not have been instructed or authorized by the French Government to hold at Constantinople a language directly the reverse of that which had been held by the French Government everywhere else, and the more especially as the language held by M. Pontois is directly at variance with all the public and official declarations made by the French Government of the principles upon which the policy of France, with regard to the affairs of the Ottoman Empire, is founded.

I find it very agreeable, well written, without being extremely polished, full of very delicate touches, and well worth more than a single reading; and what I especially notice is an exact representation of the persons composing the court and of their manner of life.

His thoroughly human and sympathetic nature made him a favorite with all who knew him, especially with the laboring classes, with whom he loved to associate. It is to this circumstance that we owe "Les Confessions d'un Ouvrier."