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The Arab conquest about 700 A.D. made Arabic the dominant language of all North Africa to this day an important fact to remember and introduced the Arabs as a permanent population along the north edge of the Sahara.

14 11 manquait de prise 'had no hold'. 14 14 brave homme de corps 'jolly old body'. 14 16 le corps ... pattes Tartarin's Quixotic mind dwelt in the 'fat bellied, 'short legged' body of a Sancho Panza. 14 19 mauvais ménage faire faire mauvais ménage is said of a husband and wife who do not get along well together.

Les sauvages étaient-ils beaux? 5. Qui se disputaient ses bagages? 6. Que faisaient les uns? 7. Que faisaient les autres? 8. Qu'est-ce que Tartarin faisait? 9. Pourquoi ne pouvait-il pas se faire comprendre? 10. Quelles langues pouvait-il parler? There were wild beasts here, but they did not wait for Tartarin. 2. He remembered that he had not brought along a kid. 3.

[Note 28We burned and destroyed upwards of 1,400 fine farm houses, for we durin the siege were masters of a great part or their country along shore, and parties were almost continually kept out, ravaging the country; so that'tis tho't it will take them half a century to recover the damage.» A Journal of the expedition up the river St.-Lawrence &c., publié dans le New-York Mercury du 31 décembre 1759. Et cependant un écrivain du temps, parlant de la conduite de M. de Contades et du maréchal Richelieu en Allemagne par opposition

See you, beneath you cloud so dark, Fast gliding along, a gloomy bark? Her sails are full, though the wind is still, And there blows not a breath her sails to fill! Oh! what doth that vessel of darkness bear? The silent calm of the grave is there, Save now and again a death-knell rung, And the flap of the sails with night-fog hung?