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It would seem that, on leaving the University about 1582, he became Secretary to the Marqués de las Navas and that for four or five years he led in Madrid a dissolute life, writing verses and frequenting the society of actors and of other young degenerates like himself and enjoying the favor of a young woman, Elena Osorio, whom he addressed in numberless poems as "Filis" and whom he calls "Dorotea" in his dramatic romance of the same name.

MARTIN HUME, The Court of Philip IV, London, 1907. DON BERNARDO, viejo DO

In his realistic works he is a careful observer and a faithful describer of life, and he is especially successful in his portrayal of the uneventful lives of the middle and lower classes.

D. Eugenio Fernández for aid in the interpretation of several passages and in the correction of accentuation, to Professor J. D. M. Ford for valuable suggestions, and to Sr. D. Manuel Saavedra Martínez, Professor in the Escuela Normal de Salamanca, for information not easily accessible.

These two works were followed in 1605 by his epic, Jerusalén Conquistada, an untrustworthy narration of the achievements of Richard Coeur-de-Lion and Alfonso VIII in the crusade at the close of the twelfth century.

It is not yet near day; It is the nightingale and not the lark, That pierc'd the fearful hollow of thine ear; Nightly she sings on yon pomegranate tree; Believe me, love, it was the nightingale. It was the lark, the herald of the morn, No nightingale.

He did not devote by any means all his time to his literary pursuits, but found time to attend faithfully to his religious duties and to the cares of his home, for he had gathered about him his children, Feliciana, Lope Félix and Antonia Clara, of whom the last two and Marcela, in a convent since 1621, were the gifted fruit of illicit loves.

She practiced this theory, however, only in part, for her work partakes of both the romantic and the realistic.

The comparison of the three is interesting, for all three had suffered the same insult; but before we judge Don Bernardo too hastily, we should consider that both the other two are making their appeals to valiant men, while he is appealing to a woman, and not appealing for vengeance as they, but rather lamenting his hard lot.

Clarence King, que ha publicado en la revista The Forum un articulo titulado ¿Ha de ser Cuba libre? Un amigo mío anglo-americano me envió hace un mes dicho artículo, excitándome á que le contestase y hasta brindándome con que insertaría mi contestación en una revista de su tierra. Las acusaciones del Sr.