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Without seeking further we may well recall the place they have in the works of both Plautus and Terence. The early Italian comedies inherit this character from the Latins, and it appears in most of the plays of Ariosto, Machiavelli, and Aretino.

Que la voz de la sangre es la más fuerte, y hands across the sea Volvamos al señor de mister Brooks. No ha sido ésta su primera demostración anexionista.

In the villages and towns they were simply the plaza or other open space in which the rude stage and paraphernalia were temporarily set up. Quoting from Cervantes, Ticknor says of the theater of Lope de Rueda: "The theater was composed of four benches, arranged in a square, with five or six boards laid across them, that were thus raised about four palms from the ground.

In the light of the recent information cited above, we know also that Lope's career immediately after 1587 was quite different from what his contemporary Montalvan had led the world long to believe.

The ñaque, two players, who could perform entremeses and play one or two musical instruments. The gangarilla, group of three or four actors of whom one was a boy to play a woman's part. They usually played a farce or some other short play. The cambaleo was composed of five men and a woman and remained several days in each village.

The romance is composed of any number of seven or eight syllable verses, in the even numbers of which there is a correspondence of vowel sounds in the last two syllables, which is called assonance.

Comedias heroicas, which have royalty as the leading characters, are lofty or tragical in sentiment, and have historical or mythological foundation. Comedias de santos, which represent some incident of biblical origin or some adventure in the lives of the saints.

Her versatility and just claim to her high position are emphasized by the ease with which she assumes her own rank at the close of the play.

En la cláusula en que me hace la donación, hay una extraña copla que dice: King Henry the Eighth was a Knave to his queens, He'd one short of seven and nine or ten scenes! e insiste también en que oculte el secreto a todos los hombres, exactamente como él lo ha hecho. Pero, estando cifrado el secreto añadí, me será imposible conocerlo.

Después el teatro español fué menos conocido en Inglaterra, por ser esta nación más extraña cada día á la Península española, y de aquí que la única comedia de esta especie del siglo XVII, que ha llegado á nuestra noticia, sea The king and the miller of Mansfield, de Dodsley, que es una imitación de El villano en su rincón, de Matos Fragoso.