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It would be a capital blunder to refuse to copy, and thereafter to adapt to your own needs, what has raised the Occident in the scale of power and justice and clean living. But it would be a no less capital blunder to copy what is cheap or trivial or vicious, or even what is merely wrongheaded.

An American scholar of wide range, at the same time thorough and unpretentious, is a rarity; a philologist who is neither perversely wrongheaded nor the victim of a preconceived theory is a still greater one; yet we find both characters pleasantly united in the author of these Lectures. Decided in his opinions, Mr.

"You see, there's no trenches anywhere about here," grumbled the men. "And why are there no trenches?" said a wrongheaded man; "why, it's because they don't care a damn for soldiers' lives." "Fathead!" the corporal interrupted; "what's the good of trenches behind, if there's one in front, fathead!" "Halt!" We saw the Divisional Staff go by in the beam of a searchlight.

The only friend he had in the world, Sudley often felt, with a sigh over the happy child's forlorn estate. And, with the morbid sensitiveness peculiar to a tender conscience, he winced under the knowledge that it was he who, through wrong-headedness or wrongheartedness, had contrived to make all the world besides the boy's enemy. Both wrongheaded and wronghearted he was, he sometimes told himself.