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The first of the two dwellings, coming from the direction of the sea-bath, Belleport, was occupied by the Tuvaches, who had three girls and one boy; the other house sheltered the Vallins, who had one girl and three boys. They all subsisted with difficulty on soup, potatoes, and the open air.

I'm not rich, but I don't sell my children!" The Vallins lived comfortably, thanks to the pension. That was the cause of the unappeasable fury of the Tuvaches, who had remained miserably poor. Their eldest went away to serve his time in the army; Charlot alone remained to labor with his old father, to support the mother and two younger sisters.

The Tuvaches, from their door, watched her departure, silent, serious, perhaps regretting their refusal. Nothing more was heard of little Jean Vallin. The parents went to the lawyer every month to collect their hundred and twenty francs.

The Tuvaches, from their door, watched her departure, silent, serious, perhaps regretting their refusal. Nothing more was heard of little Jean Vallin. The parents went to the lawyer every month to collect their hundred and twenty francs.

I'm not rich, but I don't sell my children!" The Vallins lived comfortably, thanks to the pension. That was the cause of the unappeasable fury of the Tuvaches, who had remained miserably poor. Their eldest went away to serve his time in the army; Charlot alone remained to labor with his old father, to support the mother and two younger sisters.

And the young woman, radiant, carried off the howling brat, as one carries away a wished-for knick-knack from a shop. The Tuvaches, from their door, watched her departure; mute, severe, perhaps regretting their refusal. Nothing more was heard of little Jean Vallin.

Springing down from the carriage, she ran toward the children, took one of the two youngest that of the Tuvaches, and lifting it up in her arms, she kissed him passionately on his dirty cheeks, on his frowzy hair daubed with earth, and on his little hands, which he swung vigorously, to get rid of the caresses which displeased him.

Sometimes she would take her Chariot in her arms with ostentation, exclaiming, as if he understood: "I didn't sell you, I didn't! I didn't sell you, my little one! I'm not rich, but I don't sell my children!" The Vallins lived at their ease, thanks to the pension. That was the cause of the inappeasable fury of the Tuvaches, who had remained miserably poor.

The first of the two cottages, as you came up from the bathing beach, Rolleport, was occupied by the Tuvaches, who had three girls and one boy; the other house sheltered the Vallins, who had one girl and three boys. They all subsisted frugally on soup, potatoes and fresh air.

The first of the two cottages, as you came up from the bathing beach, Rolleport, was occupied by the Tuvaches, who had three girls and one boy; the other house sheltered the Vallins, who had one girl and three boys. They all subsisted frugally on soup, potatoes and fresh air.