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They found in its mouth the buccal pieces of the Neuroptera, and, under the carapax, five pairs of branchial tufts attached to the segments that are invisible outwardly. Inside the animal were found tracheae, the digestic tube of an insect, and malpighian canals. Finally, in June, 1880, Mr. Vayssiere was enabled to establish the fact definitely that the insect belonged among the Ephemerids.

Thus arose the early Arthropods, on tough-coated, jointed, articulated animals. Some of these remained in the water, breathing by means of gills, and became the Crustacea. Some, however, migrated to the land and developed what we may almost call "lungs" little tubes entering the body at the skin and branching internally, to bring the air into contact with the blood, the tracheae.

You see, sir, and he went on with elytra and antennae and tarsi and metatarsi and tracheae and stomata and wing-muscles and leg-muscles and ganglions, all plain enough, I do not doubt, to those accustomed to handling dor-bugs and squash-bugs and such undesirable objects of affection to all but naturalists.

This is the cord of tracheae communicating between one breathing-hole and another. At last, the segments show distinctly, with their lateral pads. The grub is born. At first, one would think that there was no hatching in the proper sense of the word that is to say, no bursting and casting of a wrapper.

You see, sir, and he went on with elytra and antennae and tarsi and metatarsi and tracheae and stomata and wing-muscles and leg-muscles and ganglions, all plain enough, I do not doubt, to those accustomed to handling dor-bugs and squash-bugs and such undesirable objects of affection to all but naturalists.

They are the mouths of what are called tracheae, or breathing tubes: and from them branch out a multitude of little canals, which, spreading in endless ramifications through every part of the body, convey to the whole mass of the blood, from all directions, the air which makes its way into them through the tracheal holes.

The most arduous labours will, however, at first be spared her. A week must elapse from the day of her birth before she will quit the hive; she will then perform her first "cleansing flight," and absorb the air into her tracheae, which, filling, expand her body, and proclaim her the bride of space.