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I can't do any more voark for you; and I can't geep the mawney you haf baid me a'ready. It iss not hawnest mawney that hass been oarned py voark; it iss mawney that hass peen mate py sbeculation, and the obbression off lapor, and the necessity of the boor, py a man Here it is, efery tollar, efery zent. Dake it; I feel as if dere vas ploodt on it."

Coldpin produced a dollar-bill and handed it over, remarking testily, "There, now, I'm very busy!" "Nein, nein!" said the man. "It vas not enough!" "Not enough?" "I vants dwenty tollar." "Oh, come now; this wont do at all. You mustn't bother me so. I can't be " The man did something with his mouth. Possibly he smiled. Possibly he was malevolently disposed.

Work! why, Oi 'm dommed if a green Swade did n't fall the full length of the shaft one day, an' whin we wint over to pick him up, what was it ye think the poor haythen said? He opened his oies an' asked, 'Is the boss mad? afeared he 'd lose his job! An' so ye was workin' for a thafe, was ye? An' what for?" "Two tollar saxty cint."

With fingers like steel claws he gripped the Irishman's shirt collar, driving his head back against the earth with every mad utterance. "Ay ban Nels Swanson!" he exploded defiantly. "Ay ban Nels Swanson! Ay ban Nels Swanson! Ay ban shovel-man by Meester Burke! Ay ban Lutheran! Ay ban work two tollar saxty cint! You hear dose tings? Tamn the Irish Ay show you!"

"If I hafs feefty tollar more don you hafs, how mooch less tollar don't you hafs don I hafs? Yaw, yaw, yaw!" "That is plain enough," said Nick sturdily "but if you mean to say that the answer to the problem I gave you is fifty per cent., you are wrong." "Oxplains how dot ain't," said Mr. Ribsam, suddenly becoming serious. The mother was also interested, and looked smilingly toward her bright son.

"Dot's it," answered the German youth calmly. "Ven dem udder fellers makes up pad verses I vos fine dem a tollar, und ven I gits enough tollars I skip me to Canada or Mexigo, hey?" And he said this so comically everybody had to laugh. The automobiles had been ordered down to the dock and were already in waiting.

What wud the loikes of ye work for Misther Hicks for?" Swanson's impassive face remained imperturbable; he stroked the moustaches dangling over the corners of his dejected mouth. "Two tollar saxty cint." Mike glared at him, and then at the girl, his own lips puckering. "Bedad, Oi belave the poor cr'ater do n't know anny betther.

He wasn't at all pleased to see me; in fact he didn't seem to care whether I had gone from Rossmore or not. "Going fishing?" I asked. "Yes; I dakes a leetle fish." "Don't you need some goods?" "No; I dinks not." "How about money? Haven't you got some for me?" "Not a tollar now. You see I pay Plissam last night ery tollar I haf." "Why didn't you divide?" "It was not wort' w'ile."

"Is er King Browning present?" yelled a freshman, leaning out of a window. "If so, I'd like to inquire if he means to attend the party this evening." "If he does," said another freshman, "he will be able to obtain a dress suit down at Cohen's, price 'von tollar ber efenin' to shentlemen." "Oh, you wait till we get at you fresh ducks!" shouted back an angry sophomore.

Then he dashed forward to face the victim of his righteous wrath. "Ye dom Swade, ye!" He shook a dirty fist beneath the other's nose. "Shmell o' that! It's now Oi know ye 're a thafe, a low-down haythen thafe. What are ye sittin' thar for, grinnin' at yer betthers?" "Two tollar saxty cint." The startled Irishman stared at him with mouth wide open. "An' begorry, did ye hear that, seeñorita?