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"Bedad, Tom," said Mick to me, as we looked down over the side, holding our noses as, indeed, everybody on board was doing, every man-jack in the ship, I think, being on deck, from the old commodore down to the youngest middy and ship's boy "Oi nivver smilt a shmell loike thet since me faither an' Oi wor at Clontarf whin they opened the graveyard theer, and toorned the owld coffins out wid the bones rattlin' aboot in thim jist loike pays in a pannikin, sure, whin we're goin' fur to make pay-soup, or pay doo, ez we used fur to call it aboard the owld Saint Vincent!"

"Then why did you screw your face so when it hit you?" "What for screw mine face?" repeated Jacob soberly. "Vy, it vash de de " "That what?" insisted Ben maliciously. "Vy, de-de-vat you call dis, vat you taste mit de nose?" Ben laughed. "Oh, you mean the smell." "Yesh. Dat ish it," said Jacob eagerly. "It wash de shmell. I draw mine face for dat!" "Ha! ha!" roared Ben. "That's a good one.

"Divvle a shmell of the baste can I see, and me back from furlough-leaf for minnuts. Has the schamer done the two-shtep widout anny flure, as Oi've always foretould? Is ut atin' his vegetables by the roots he now is in the bone-orchard, and me owing the poor bhoy foive shillin'? Where is he?"

Py myself I vill go and tell dot Dunk W'ittaker vot lowdown skunk I t'ink he iss. Sheep's vool shtickin' by der fences efferwhere on der ranch, py cosh! Dot vould sure kill der Old Man quick if he see it. Shtinkin' off sheeps py our noses all der time, till I can't eat no more mit der shmell of dem. Neffer pefore did I see vool on der Flying U fences, py cosh, und sheeps baa-aain' in der coulee!"

Then he dashed forward to face the victim of his righteous wrath. "Ye dom Swade, ye!" He shook a dirty fist beneath the other's nose. "Shmell o' that! It's now Oi know ye 're a thafe, a low-down haythen thafe. What are ye sittin' thar for, grinnin' at yer betthers?" "Two tollar saxty cint." The startled Irishman stared at him with mouth wide open. "An' begorry, did ye hear that, seeñorita?

Shortly after Sergeant Monk returned. 'No go, he said. 'Anything turned up here, Casey? 'Niver a shmell av anythin', sor, answered the trooper. 'Well, we can raise this siege, Hardy. That boy was mistaken, sure enough. 'If he wasn't having a game with us, answered Harry. 'Urn, yes; that's likely enough among these young heathens of Waddy.