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There was neither window nor chimney, the door serving to admit light and air, and let out the smoke if a fire were lighted within. "Are we to live a year in this hutch?" asks Moll, in affright. "Have done with your chatter, Moll!" answers Jack, testily. "Don't you see I'm a-thinking? Heaven knows there's enough to swallow without any bugbears of your raising."

"It must be as I thought," said the duke to himself; "all this eccentricity, this nervous irritability has a natural cause, and not an alarming one, and it must be humored." "Will you keep your promise?" she testily inquired. "Certainly, my dear child. Anything to please you. You will see Velpeau this afternoon.

You never did that, Sperrit. This was Mr. Fisher, M.F.H., enlarging the breach Midmore had made. 'No, confound him! said the father testily. 'Go on, sir! Injecto ter pulvere you've kicked half the ditch into my eye already.

Jackson, who had been divided between astonishment and impatience and anger, burst out again. "What the devil do you mean by interfering with my business, sir?" "Because it is my business too," I answered, quite as testily; "my claim on Mr. Temple is greater than yours." "By Jehovah!" cried Jackson, "come outside, sir, come outside!"

Who's that a-peekin' behind ye?" "It's me, Jaspar," said Mrs. Panel meekly. Uncle Jap unlocked the door of the vestry and let us in. Leveson sat huddled up in his chair. Uncle Jap prodded him with the ancient pistol which he still held in his hands. "Can't you offer a lady a chair?" he said testily. Leveson offered his chair, upon the extreme edge of which Mrs. Panel deprecatingly seated herself.

Noah made the answers in a tone that discouraged further conversation, and Donald after a sharp glance at him, shrugged his shoulders and picked up a book. He had not long to wait before Mr. Gooch returned. "I've been telephoning all over town for you," said the lawyer testily. "Is this rumor true that you have bought back your bank stock?" "It is. It was the only honest thing I could do."

"But often," retorted the praetor, "Eros proves to be a substitute for that unhappy friend of the gods." "The true or the sham Eros," asked Balbilla testily. "Certainly not the sham Eros," replied Verus. "On this occasion he merely plays the part of a kindly monitor, taking the place of Pontius, the architect, of whom your worthy matron-companion is so much afraid.

Pray step in, or if you will allow me, and as the passage is somewhat dark, I will show you the way. Whereupon he ran in first, but after a time, finding the bride did not follow, he put his nose out again, saying testily, 'Well, madam, why don't you follow? Don't you know it's rude to keep your husband waiting?

But I say," he went on, in an eager boyish way, which was not unbecoming or inharmonious where his young manhood was concerned, only natural and pleasant, "I should care for the best and brightest and bonniest woman in the world being gracious to me; I would give much to make her like me, though I know I am far behind her in cleverness and goodness." "Nonsense," cried Annie, quite testily.

The man paused and gazed earnestly at the paper for a few minutes, with a look of perplexity on his rugged visage. "Weel, man, what is't?" enquired Davy. "Hoot! I canna mak' it oot," said the other, testily, as if annoyed at being unable to read it. He refolded the paper and thrust it into his bosom, saying, "Come, we're wastin' time. Let's get on wi' our wark."