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George asked the guide if he could speak English, and he said, "Nein." Then he asked him if he could speak French, and he said, "Nein." He said he could only speak German. "He can't explain any thing to us, children," said Mr. George; "we shall have to judge for ourselves."

Kreutzer was near to absolute exhaustion, and shouldered their heavy trunk, lifted their heaviest bag, with difficulty. His knees, it seemed to him, must certainly give way beneath him. Seeing this gave M'riar something other than her fears to think of. "Gimme th' bag, now, guvnor," she said quietly, although both she and Anna already were well burdened. "Nein," said the old man, gravely.

"You burned it?" "Yes," said Peter. "I don't wish to have anything to do with such black magic. It is better burned." "But you must remember the hex. Although the book is destroyed you still have the information in your head, nein?" "I could never forget it if I wanted to," replied Peter reluctantly. "If I could burn my memory also it would be better."

Speak to me no more; I'm dangerous. 'But, Dirk but, Hatteraick, hear me only a few words. 'Hagel! nein. 'Only one sentence. 'Tousand curses! nein. 'At least get up, for an obstinate Dutch brute! said Glossin, losing his temper and pushing Hatteraick with his foot. 'Donner and blitzen! said Hatteraick, springing up and grappling with him; 'you WILL have it then?

"Drive up, and we will sample some of it," ordered Roch. Sambo willingly obeyed, and they went into the saloon. Roch again assumed his German accent. The two negroes at once recognized each other, and Roch, in his broken way, said: "Vel, poys, vat vill you haf?" The niggers grinned from ear to ear, and replied: "De same ab you, boss." "Barkeeper, you haf any lager got? Nein?

"Well, I want you to run for one, Dick," said Larry. "Hans, you'll vote for Dick, won't you?" "Yah, und I vonts him to vote for me, too," said the German youth. "Why, Hans, do you want to be water-carrier this year?" asked Sam. "Nein, I vonts to be high brivate py der rear rank alretty. Von of der fellows tole me dot would chust suit me."

Fully satisfied that it was not spurious, he escorted me with his carbine to the stream, the banks of which were lined with a few straggling alder-bushes and thick saw-grass. I motioned him to return to camp, only a few rods distant. He shook his head, saying, "Nein, nein." I gave him another twenty-dollar gold piece; he chinked them together, and held up two fingers.

'What do you say? said Mary disgustedly, keeping well to one side, though only the head moved. 'Cassée, it repeated. 'Che me rends. Le médicin! Toctor! 'Nein! said she, bringing all her small German to bear with the big pistol. 'Ich haben der todt Kinder gesehn. The head was still. Mary's hand dropped. She had been careful to keep her finger off the trigger for fear of accidents.

"Come, Herr wachtmeister," the latter called to the big sergeant, "the man has but little time, and would make a statement." The sergeant came and knelt by the dying man. "Where are the diamonds," he asked, pencil in hand. "Nein, ich wissen nicht," gasped Grosman, "stoop lower, and I will tell all ... I know." "He lies," said Gilderman and Jelder together, crowding near to the bed.

She had loved Mary from the moment she cocked her queer drawn face to one side and looked at her with the one good eye she possessed. She was always doing little things for her comfort and never asked tips for it. If Mary offered to pay she smiled quietly and spoke in the softest drawl: "Oh, that's nothing, child Ach, Gott im Himmel nein!"