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For a moment the saloonkeeper's shrewd eyes surveyed the newcomer, and, as they did so, a quiet, derisive contempt slowly curled his thin lips. "Wal?" he inquired, in the harsh drawl Bill was beginning to get accustomed to since he had traveled so far from his eastern home. Bill laughed. He always seemed ready to laugh.

'Nothing at all, answered the Marchesa smartly, 'for it is the religion of the devil. 'Dear me! The artist smiled. 'What strong prejudices you have in Rome! 'Are you a Freemason? the noble lady asked, with evident nervousness; and she glanced from his face to Angela, and then at the door. 'Well no I'm not, the painter admitted with a slight drawl, and evidently amused.

Bennet's side, still quite unable to find her generally so-ready tongue. "Shall we dance?" asked Mr. Bennet courteously, as they walked. His voice was another of his distinct attractions, rather deep and with the slightest possible drawl. Arethusa paused just under the broad arch of the ball-room doorway, and so Mr.

Who so wise?" There was a curious drawl in the voice that made Mowgli turn to see whether by any chance the Black Panther were making fun of him, for the Jungle is full of words that sound like one thing, but mean another. "I said we be beyond question the Masters of the Jungle," Bagheera repeated. "Have I done wrong? I did not know that the Man-cub no longer lay upon the ground.

We have imitations of Cowper, and even of Milton here, engrafted on the natural drawl of the Lakers and all diluted into harmony by that profuse and irrepressible wordiness which deluges all the blank verse of this school of poetry, and lubricates and weakens the whole structure of their style.

"Oh dear, how unwise of her!" exclaimed Mrs. Burton in a plaintive tone. "I am always so afraid for her to go outside at night when it is freezing so sharply, for her face would be quite spoiled if she were to get it frostbitten, and she is so pretty." "Is she?" Phil's voice had a drowsy drawl, as if the subject of Katherine's looks had very little interest for him, as indeed it had.

But it hasn't told me why you couldn't go back along the road you came, why you couldn't leave the road, and why you didn't want to go right up to Sweeney's office with the sack. It hasn't given me any information about where you have been the past two weeks, or how " "My gracious! He bubbles whyfors and howfors like he had just come uncorked," murmured Dave, in his slow drawl.

"If he should ever be fool enough to get in my way " "Hang Thimble-rig Jem," cried Hazeltine. "Is it a bet, Lascelles?" "What?" "That you nab our one in half an hour?" Mr. Lascelles affected an aristocratic drawl. "No, I was joking. I couldn't afford to leave the fire for thirty pounds. Why should I run after the poor dayvil? Find him yourselves. He never annoyed me. Got a cigar, Miles?"

"If you don't speak at once I shall fire," shouted Jorgenson, fiercely. "No, white man," returned the floating shape in a solemn drawl. "I am the bearer of friendly words. A chief's words. I come from Tengga." "There was a bullet that came on board not a long time ago also from Tengga," said Jorgenson. "That was an accident," protested the voice from the lagoon. "What else could it be?

And with calm respect, yet almost exasperating drawl, came the unlooked-for answer: "I was about to mention it myself, sir. 'Tonio was certainly there and Turner close behind him. Look for yourself, sir!" Look, indeed!