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I shrunk back into the darkness of the area behind the refuse bins standing in front of the bay nearest the door. Within the house footsteps were approaching the scullery. I heard a door open, then a man's voice singing. He was warbling in a fine mellow baritone that popular German ballad: "Das haben die Mädchen so gerne Die im Stübchen und die im Salong."

"The misfortune is that he thinks himself a good man of business, and he is always starting new enterprises without consulting me. If he would only take my advice more!" Moses shook his head in sympathetic deprecation of Michael Birnbaum's wilfulness. "Is he at home?" he asked. "No, but I expect him back from the country every minute. I believe they have invited him for the Pidyun Haben to-day."

The sign of her election is the annihilation of the three legions of Quinctilius Varus, and her eternal task is to revenge herself for the insolence of the Roman General. "We shall give battle to Hermann and we shall avenge ourselves, "und wollen Rache haben." Thus ran the celebrated national song. Der Gott, der Eisen wachsen liess. *Germanism and God.*

Cabrinovic ist geständig, die Bombe geworfen und Gabrilo Princip das Attentat mit der Browningpistole ausgeführt zu haben. Beide Täter gaben zu, bei der Verübung der Tat die Absicht des Mordes gehabt zu haben.

He would eat the bread and drink the wine. That afternoon she took her book into the garden. Mark came to her there. Mamma, tired with the long service, dozed in the drawing-room. Mark read over her shoulder: "'Wir haben in der Transcendentalen Aesthetik hinreichend bewiesen. Do it in English."

This despotism should not prevail against me. When the free, easy and enlightened American among the effete and crumbling monarchies of Europe shrieks for hard-boiled eggs, they must be produced, though the House of Hapsburg should reel, stumble and totter. I said on the third morning, "Haben Sie ein hot Feuer in your kitchen?" Ja. "And hot Wasser?" Ja.

"I have been a student a TENERIS ANNIS," she added, and he stood stupefied. "That's Latin!" he gasped. "Oui, M'sieur. Wollen Sie noch eine Olive haben?" Laughter rippled in her throat. She held out another olive to him, her face aglow. Firelight danced in her hair, flooding its darker shadows with lights of red and gold. "I was sure of it," he exclaimed, convinced.

It's a mighty good book to get the ICH HABE GEHABT HABEN's out of. But I don't really study when I'm knocking around this way. If the notion takes me, I just run over my little old ICH HABE GEHABT, DU HAST GEHABT, ER HAT GEHABT, WIR HABEN GEHABT, IHR HABEN GEHABT, SIE HABEN GEHABT kind of 'Now-I-lay-me-down-to-sleep' fashion, you know, and after that, maybe I don't buckle to it for three days.

She turned, leaning with her back against the wall, her eyes half-closed, sawing with fists in the direction of Fraulein, who stood laughing in her doorway. After one glance Miriam recoiled. They had not seen her. "Ja," screamed Fraulein "Sie konnen ihre paar Groschen haben! Ihre paar Groschen!

Beethoven's reward on these lines was great in proportion to his victory over himself. Ach, der menschliche Intellekt! Ach "Genie"! Es ist nicht so gar viel einen "Faust" eine Schopenhauerische Philosophie, eine Eroika gemacht zu haben. Friederich Nietzshe. The immediate fruit of this mental travail was a sudden growth or expansion of his creative powers.