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The following works are psychological contributions to the theory of knowledge: E.L. Fischer, Theorie der Gesichtswahrnehmung, 1891; Hermann Schwarz, Das Wahrnehmungsproblem, 1892. Finally we may add A. Dorner in Königsberg, Das menschliche Erkennen, 1887; and E.L. Fischer, Die Grundfragen der Erkenntnisstheorie, 1887.

'He has been of infinite value to me quite infinite value. You remember his definition of God? It is constantly in my mind. "Gott ist eine Trane der Liebe, in tiefster Verborgenheit vergossen uber das menschliche Elend." Profoundly touching! I know nothing to approach it. Suddenly he inquired: 'Do you see much of the Exeter clergy? 'I know only the Vicar of St. Ethelreda's, Mr. Lilywhite. 'Ha!

On two occasions, indeed, Schummel uses the title of the Mittelstedt rendering as first published, “Versuch über die menschliche Natur.” These facts lead one to believe that Schummel drew his inspiration from the reading of this translation.

Beethoven's reward on these lines was great in proportion to his victory over himself. Ach, der menschliche Intellekt! Ach "Genie"! Es ist nicht so gar viel einen "Faust" eine Schopenhauerische Philosophie, eine Eroika gemacht zu haben. Friederich Nietzshe. The immediate fruit of this mental travail was a sudden growth or expansion of his creative powers.