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The schema of quantity is number, as comprehending the successive addition of homogeneous parts. Permanence in time is the sign for the application of the category of substance; regular succession, for the application of the concept of cause; the coexistence of the determinations of one substance with those of another, the signal for their subsumption under the concept of reciprocity.

Common function, especially subsumption under one ordered government, particularly if the purpose be that of securing common protection, can plainly overcome all loyalty to race. Common religion antagonizes race consciousness, and we see therefore within nations races splitting up along lines of religious difference.

Reason, considered as the faculty of a certain logical form of cognition, is the faculty of conclusion, that is, of mediate judgement by means of the subsumption of the condition of a possible judgement under the condition of a given judgement. The subsumption of the condition of another possible judgement under the condition of the rule is the minor.

The subsumption of phenomena or empirical intuitions under the category is effected through the Schemata of the concepts of the understanding, i.e., through a priori determinations of time according to rules, which relate to time-series, time-content, time-order, and time-comprehension, and indicate whether I have to apply this or that category to a given object. Each category has its own schema.

The subsumption of particular facts under more general facts leads ultimately to a most general, highest fact, which cannot be reduced to a more general one, and hence cannot be explained or comprehended.

A further addition to the abstract formula of the categorical imperative results from the discussion of the question, What universal ends admit of subsumption under it, i.e., stand the test of fitness to be principles of a universal legislation?

But while the investigation thus aptly exhibits the second mode of the resolution of a complex law, it no less happily exemplifies the third; the subsumption of special laws under a more general law, by gathering them up into one more comprehensive expression which includes them all.

By such schematic syntheses the pure concept is brought near to the empirical intuition, and the way is prepared for an application of the former to the latter, or, what is the same thing, for the subsumption of the latter under the former.

On the other hand, it is so far homogeneous with the phenomenon, inasmuch as time is contained in every empirical representation of the manifold. Thus an application of the category to phenomena becomes possible, by means of the transcendental determination of time, which, as the schema of the conceptions of the understanding, mediates the subsumption of the latter under the former.

How then is the subsumption of the latter under the former, and consequently the application of the categories to phenomena, possible? For it is impossible to say, for example: "Causality can be intuited through the senses and is contained in the phenomenon."