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I got all the cargo I can load." Soon the horses shacked out of town. The sandy road wandered through the pine woods where the hot June sunshine extracted the scent of balsam until its strength was almost overpowering. Louise, alone in the interior of the old coach, found herself pitching and tossing about as though in a heavy sea.

There was a shacked silence among the officers who had gathered to listen. Until this moment our white enemies had offered no violence to ladies. So this brutality toward the Major's lady astounded us. Somebody said in a low voice: "They've fired the church, now." Major Lockwood's house was also burning furiously, as also were his barns and stables, his sheds, and the new, unfinished barracks.

A lopeared buckskin mule with a hanging lower lip and a chronic tail-switching, that shacked along hour after hour and saved Casey's legs and, more particularly, a bunion that had developed in the past year. Casey knew the country better than he had known it on his first unprofitable trip into the Tippipahs.

But the Lord have mercy on his sinful soul if he and I run foul of each other on the prairie again!" Then we shacked along down to Johnson's and had breakfast. "What became of Frosthead and his gang?" Oh, they sent out a regiment or two, and gathered him in 'bout twenty-five soldiers to an Injun. No, no harm was done. Me and my pard were the only ones that bucked up against them.