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Well, seh, unfawtunately, the niggehs had no mo' sense than to take it all in dead earnest. They put they women an' child'en into the church an' ahmed theyse'ves, some thirty of 'em, with shotguns an' old muskets yondeh's some of 'em in the cawneh. Then they taken up a position in the road just this side the village, an' sent to Sherman an' Libbetyville fo' reinfo'cements.

So us rescuin' parties an' the Bryan Station fo'ces, afteh a night consultation, set out et daybreak nex' mawnin' to folleh up an' punish. We thought ef we hurried we could soon ketch up with the enemy; so we didn't wait, as some o' the oldeh men advised, fur the reinfo'cements whut Gen'ral Logan hed already started."

Why ow pickets, they're there. 'Twould be strange if they wa'n't three hund'ed Blackland county niggehs marchin' on the town to burn it." "Is that really the news?" "That's the latest, seh. We after reinfo'cements." They moved on. Judge March rode slowly toward Suez. John rode beside him. In a moment the Judge halted again, lifted his head, and listened.

The niggehs taken shelteh in the church, ow boys fallen back fo' reinfo'cements, an' about a' hour by sun comes word that the niggehs, frenzied with raage an' liquo', a-comin' this way to the numbeh o' three hund'ed, an' increasin' as they come. No, seh, I don't know that it is unfawtunate. It's just as well faw this thing to happm, an' to happm now.