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A third proposition was fathered by John Plumbe of Dubuque, Iowa, who suggested at a public meeting, held at his home town in March 1838, that a railroad be built from the great lakes to the Columbia River. His plan contemplated an appropriation from Congress of alternate sections of the public lands on either side of the right of way.

There were but four hundred in all, two hundred seamen and two hundred marines, and the losses in that rapid rush were terrible. Yet they swarmed up, their gallant officers, some of them little boy-middies, cheering them on. Ethelston, the commander of the 'Powerful, was struck down. Plumbe and Senior of the Marines were killed.

Southworth, Professor Plumbe, and numerous others were early in the field; all, however, using the same description of camera as that of Daguerre, with modification for light, either by enlargement by lens and aperture for light, or by shortening the focal distance.

Crackby, does your wisdome thinke That I can love you? Crac. My worth deserves it. Cla. Well said, impudence. Goe, get you home toth Cittie; goe solicitt Some neighbors daughter; match with Nan your Schoolefellow With whome you usd to walk to Pimblicoe To eate plumbe cakes and creame, one of your parish, Good what-doe-you-lack. Crac. This is offensive to My reputation. Cla.

With no similar work for a guide or model, it was necessary to derive from the volumes of general and comparative physiology such facts and deductions as related to the theme; and that such have been drawn from recognized authorities, the frequent references to the writings of Carpenter, Wilson, Plumbe, Neligan, Rayer, and others of like eminence, will show.

Rowland Plumbe, F.R.I.B.A., of 13 Fitzroy Square, W., is the architect. Building and Engineering Times. By A. GOODALL.