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The water which is found in this basin, held by capillary attraction in the permeable strata through which it soaks till the hard impermeable stratum is met retained, in short, in a natural reservoir is excellent in quality, limpid and sparkling.

They have likewise a power of erecting and bringing forward the whiskers on their lips; which probably is for the purpose of feeling, whether a dark hole be further permeable.

Hence, skiagraphs of the same object exposed to the rays for varying times may be of value in showing the different tissues. The most permeable of the normal tissues are cartilage or gristle, and fat. Reid of Dundee to show the difference between the rind, or secreting portion, which is more transparent, and the central portion, consisting chiefly of conducting tubes, which is less transparent.

In this case heat, vapour, or water at a high temperature may have traversed the more permeable beds, and altered them so far as to admit of an internal movement and re-arrangement of the molecules, while the adjoining strata did not give passage to the same heated gases or water, or, if so, remained unchanged because they were composed of less fusible or decomposable materials.

These foundation rocks are, especially in the northern and more modern parts of the city toward the coast of the sea and not of the harbor, Quarternary, and especially Tertiary, formations, so permeable that liquids emptied into excavations are absorbed and disappear. In other parts of the city the rocks are not permeable, and pools are formed.

Gall stones, being made not of lime and other similar salts, as are stones in the kidney and bladder, but of cholesterine, are, unfortunately, permeable to these rays; and it is, therefore, doubtful whether the X rays will be of any service to us in determining their presence.

Belgrand supposes that the floods of the Seine at Paris are not produced by the superficial flow of the water of precipitation into its channel, but from the augmented discharge of its remote mountain sources, when swollen by the rains and melted snows which percolate through the permeable strata in its upper course.

Occasionally, it is interesting to observe, the placenta performs a very different function, namely, the protection of the unborn child from diseases that may attack the mother. It is able to afford such protection, because the coating of the villi is not permeable to all sorts of substances.