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And the next I knew I'd let slip my tongue in a jiffy, and given it to the mate that furious and onrespectful as I'll wager Whitmarsh never got before. And the next I knew after that they had the irons on me. "Sorry about that, eh?" said he, the day before they took 'em off. "No, sir," says I. And I never was. Kentucky never forgot that.

An' yet, Pickles, not intendin' nothin' personal, for I wouldn't be personal with a prairie dog, I'm not only onrespectful of Injuns, an' thinks the gov'ment ought to pay a bounty for their skelps, but I states beliefs that a hoss-stealin', skulkin' mongrel of a half-breed is lower yet; I holdin' he ain't even people ain't nothin', in fact.

"'Bein' in the hole about five hundred dollars, says the Lizard, in a manner which is a heap onrespectful, an' so that a wayfarin' gent may not be misled to rooin utter, I now rises to ask what for a limit do you put on this deadfall anyhow? "'The bridle's plumb off to you, amigo, says Cherokee, an' his tones is some hard.

But jest let him stay still wunst tell I get a good rest on him like, and I'll be dog-on'd ef I don't knock the hine sights offen him the purtiest day he ever seed! Haw! haw! haw! Your brother Albert handled him rough, didn't he? Sarved him right. I say, if a man is onrespectful to a woman, her brother had orter thrash him; and your'n done it. His eye's blacker'n my boot. And his nose!

"When Enright vouchsafes this warnin', Pickles swings down an' leaves his pony standin', an' comes over. "'Do you know, Jack, he says, 'I don't like the onrespectful tones wherein you talks of Injuns. I'm Injun, part, myse'f, an' I don't like it. "'No? says Jack; 'I s'pose that's a fact, too.