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Ye've th' luck av Captain Fronte's own silf! That come out av ivery shcrape wid his loife, save th' lasht wan, an' he w'd thin av a domned nayger shell hadn't bust ag'in' his ribs but that's toimes gone." "I wonder where Moncrossen is now?" "Right here in Hilarity; him an' his crew unloaded yisterday fer to shtar-rt fer th' camp in th' marnin'."

Mother av Moses! Only to think of a British tar being the slave o' a sooty nayger! I never thought it wud a come to this." "Where do you think they'll take us, Bill?" "The Lord only knows, an' whether we're all bound for the same port." "What! you think we may be separated?" "Be ma saul, Maister Colin, I ha'e ma fears we wull!" "What makes you think so?"

There be two captains to their crew: one's the smoke-dried old sinner as brought yer in; the other a big nayger, as black as the ace o' spades. You saw the swab? He's inside the tent here. He's my master. The two came nigh quarrelling about which should have me, and settled it by some sort o' a game they played wi' balls of kaymals' dung. The black won me; and that's why I'm kep by his tent.

"We're to be exchanged," muttered Terence, "we're to belong to the ugly black nayger. Well, perhaps it's better. We'll be with Old Bill." "Stay a wee," said Colin; "there's something more to come yet, I think." The black sheik at this moment coming up, interrupted the conversation of the captives. What was he going to do? Take them with him, they supposed.