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A Jew Named Mardocheus Becomes My Travelling Companion He Persuades Me to Lodge in His House I Fall in Love With His Daughter Leah After a Stay of Six Weeks I Go to Trieste Some time elapsed before I had time to examine the Marquis of Mosca's collection of Latin poets, amongst which the 'Priapeia' found no place.

Fabrice was in the hands of Count Mosca's political opponents, among whom General Conti was still a leading spirit. They would not suffer him to escape this time. Fabrice would be poisoned. Clelia, too, knew that this would be his fate. When she saw him once again at the old window, happily signalling to her, she was smitten with panic terror.

Borso turned again to Bellaroba, but kept the other in his eye. "Now, missy, what had you to do with Captain Mosca's headpiece?" "Nothing, my lord." "What!" he roared. "Did you not cut it off?" "No, my lord." "Why not, girl? He was your enemy, I suppose?" "I think he was, my lord." "Think! Do you not know it? What did he want of you?" "He wanted to make me bad, my lord." "Ah!

The passage in La Chartreuse de Parme describing Count Mosca's jealousy has this quality, which appears even more clearly in the chapters of Le Rouge et Le Noir concerning Julien Sorel and Mathilde de la Mole. Here Beyle has a subject after his own heart.

Olimpia followed after him, very much impressed with the thought that the sooner she could exchange Mosca for Mosca's master the better for her. In the rear of the procession stalked that gaping hero swearing rapidly under his breath to keep himself in some sort of countenance. Angioletto's assurance, and with it his luck, held out the evening.

A Jew Named Mardocheus Becomes My Travelling Companion He Persuades Me to Lodge in His House I Fall in Love With His Daughter Leah After a Stay of Six Weeks I Go to Trieste Some time elapsed before I had time to examine the Marquis of Mosca's collection of Latin poets, amongst which the 'Priapeia' found no place.