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Did y' ever mind that cut over his left eyebrow?" So they gossiped in Rockland. The young fellows could make nothing of Dick Venner. He was shy and proud with the few who made advances to him. The young ladies called him handsome and romantic, but he looked at them like a many-tailed pacha who was in the habit of, ordering his wives by the dozen.

'You didn't see anything of my brother and his wife? asked Lord Borrodaile. 'Oh, yes, his host suddenly remembered. 'I thought the Freddys were coming by that four-thirty as well as 'No nobody but me. She threw her many-tailed boa on the back of the chair that Paul Filey had drawn up for her between the hostess and the place where Borrodaile had been sitting.

Did y' ever mind that cut over his left eyebrow?" So they gossiped in Rockland. The young fellows could make nothing of Dick Venner. He was shy and proud with the few who made advances to him. The young ladies called him handsome and romantic, but he looked at them like a many-tailed pacha who was in the habit of, ordering his wives by the dozen.

Now, Fullerton, I'm going to stay the winter out here." "You're what?" interjected Blair. "Yes, I'm going to see the winter through; and I mean to lay some plans before you." "The Bashaw has some glimmerings of sense. Yes, the scientific creature has. Go on, oh! many-tailed one." "You miss the secular side a little.

And he heard her singing in the patio garden, where, also, she desisted long enough to quarrel with her Airedale and scold the collie pup unholily attracted by the red-orange, divers-finned, and many-tailed Japanese goldfish in the fountain basin. He was aware of pleasure that she was awake. It was a pleasure that never staled.

That from the Cardinal was contained in a large square envelope, sealed with a huge seal bearing his Eminence's arms under a Cardinal's hat, with its long many-tailed tassels hanging down on either side. What a triumph would be this journey to Rome. What a yet greater triumph the return from it.

She was very busy every morning in Emily's room, working on the surgical dressings. She hated it all. She hated the oakum and the gauze, the cotton and the compresses, the pneumonia jackets and the split-irrigation pads, the wipes, the triangulars, the many-tailed and the scultetus.

Did y' ever mind that cut over his left eyebrow?" So they gossipped in Rockland. The young fellows could make nothing of Dick Venner. He was shy and proud with the few who made advances to him. The young ladies called him handsome and romantic, but he looked at them like a many-tailed pacha who was in the habit of ordering his wives by the dozen.