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He went to his own little desk and tore up Lucy Mailer's letters, and his heart turned toward home. He went into the lobby, and, feeling hot, which was no wonder, bundled his office overcoat and his brush and comb into his bag. He returned to the office for his penknife, and was going out all in a hurry, when Mr. Bartley met him. Bartley looked rather stern, and said, "A word with you, sir."

We continued in prayer, and then one application was made for an apprentice, and from the time we first began, we have been able to find places for eighteen boys." In the United States there is a Parallel Record to George Mailer's Life of Faith and Trust, found in the history of the Consumptive's Home of Boston, Mass.

It is said, that going frequently to the stage about his mailer's business, gave Betterton the first notion of it, who shewed such indications of a theatrical genius, that Sir William readily accepted him as a performer.

Craik, one other brother, and four sisters only seven in all sat down together, uniting in church fellowship "without any rules, desiring to act only as the Lord should be pleased to give light through His word." This is a very short and simple entry in Mr. Mailer's journal, but it has most solemn significance.