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Before she knew it, at any rate, her little scruples and her little lucidities, which were really so divinely blind her feverish little sense of justice, as I say had brought the two others together as her grossest misconduct couldn't have done. And now she knows something or other has happened yet hasn't heretofore known what.

I have thrown together in the crudest way the elements of the problem I struggled with, but I can give no record of the subtle details; I can tell nothing of the long vacillations between Protean values, the talks and re-talks, the meditations, the bleak lucidities of sleepless nights....

Millions of luminous fragments streaked the sky with their blazing fires. All sizes and shapes of light, all colors and shades of colors, were inextricably mingled together. Irradiations in gold, scintillations in crimson, splendors in emerald, lucidities in ultramarine a dazzling girandola of every tint and of every hue.

"I have got to be so," we all say deep down in ourselves and more or less distinctly according to the lucidities of our minds; "but in my heart I am this."

Dick grunted. Miss Moore complimented me on my preaching. My lucidities, I feared, were missing fire. A donkey saved the situation, one of the two that were not harnessed up for the night, there being no trek-gear for them. With a grassy mouth he was chewing at Miss Moore's pillow-slip. After many and shrill cries, it was rescued, but not before it had taken stains of a deep green color.

I can understand why I, with my fumbling lucidities and explanations, have to finish up presently and go, expressing as I do the mood of a type and of a time; but not those radiant presences.

Before she knew it, at any rate, her little scruples and her little lucidities, which were really so divinely blind her feverish little sense of justice, as I say had brought the two others together as her grossest misconduct couldn't have done. And now she knows something or other has happened yet hasn't heretofore known what.

The airy persiflage of his prose its reiterated lucidities pleasing to some, irritating to others, will have a place, but not a very important place, in English Literature.