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Updated: July 31, 2024

His orders were carried out, and Tyre was blockaded by sea and land for the space of fifteen months, when the provisions failed and the town was forced to surrender itself. From Antigonus Phoenicia passed to his son Demetrius, who maintained his hold on it, with some vicissitudes of fortune, till B.C. 287, when it once more passed under the dominion of Ptolemy Lagi.

To fill up the time, I mounted my camel and went a journey of 25 miles, to a certain populous city named Lagi, seated in a great plain, in which are plenty of olives and corn, with many cattle, but no vines, and very little wood. The inhabitants are a gross and barbarous people of the vagabond Arabs, and very poor.

Ptolemy Lagi married Thais; her daughter was called Irene, and her sons Leontiskus and Lagus. "I have long expected this question," answered the Athenian. "I shall be delighted to make you acquainted with the past history of this woman before you enter her house.

ANTIPATER. | + CASSANDER, m. Thessalonica. | | | + PHILIP II. | | | + ANTIPATER II. | | | + ALEXANDER. | | + Philip. | + Eurydice, m. Ptolemy Lagi, | + Phila, m. | 1, Craterus; | 2, Demetrius Poliorcetes. | + Nicaea, m. Perdiccas. C. House of Antigonus. PLACE OF ROME IN HISTORY. Rome is the bridge which unites, while it separates, the ancient and the modern world.

Ptolemy Lagi married Thais; her daughter was called Irene, and her sons Leontiskus and Lagus. "I have long expected this question," answered the Athenian. "I shall be delighted to make you acquainted with the past history of this woman before you enter her house.

Ptolemy Lagi married Thais; her daughter was called Irene, and her sons Leontiskus and Lagus. "I have long expected this question," answered the Athenian. "I shall be delighted to make you acquainted with the past history of this woman before you enter her house.

According to IrenA|us, this Greek version was rendered at the request of Ptolemy Lagi, in order to add to the treasures of the Alexandrian library, and it no doubt derived its name from the number of Hebrew and Hellenistic scholars, probably the most eminent to be found in that day, employed upon the work.

The Phoenicians faithful subjects of Alexander At his death Phoenicia falls, first to Laomedon, then to Ptolemy Lagi Is held by the Ptolemies for seventy years Passes willingly, B.C. 198, under the Seleucidae Relations with the Seleucid princes and with the Jews Hellenisation of Phoenicia Continued devotion of the Phoenicians generally to trade and commerce Material prosperity of Phoenicia.

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