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"That is the plan of the palace in the clouds," said Ikkor, pointing aloft. "Bid your men carry up bricks and mortar. The task is so simple that the boys will build." Pharaoh frowned. He had not expected to be thus outwitted, but he would not immediately acknowledge this. "In this land," he said, sarcastically, "we use no mortar. We sew the stones together. Canst thou do this?"

The vizier, however, was hopeful that he would reform and gain wisdom with years, and he took him to the palace of the king and appointed him an officer of the royal guard. For Ikkor's sake, the king made Nadan one of his favorites, and all in the land looked upon the young man as the successor of Ikkor and the future vizier.

Perhaps it is the very one under which Godfrey de Bouillon passed into the city with his three mounted companions, as the legend tells. The Palace in the Clouds Ikkor, the Jewish vizier of the king of Assyria, was the wisest man in the land, but he was not happy.

Ikkor could scarcely credit the truth when his friend came to him in the cellar with the news, and the people wept tears of joy and pity when the old vizier was led through the streets. He presented a most extraordinary spectacle.

His fame as a man of wisdom was known far beyond the borders of Assyria, and rulers feared to give offense to the king who had Ikkor as the chief of his counselors to assist in the affairs of state. But Ikkor would oft sit alone in his beautiful palace and sigh heavily. No sound of children's laughter was ever heard in the palace of Ikkor, and that was the cause of his sorrow.

"Easily," replied Ikkor, "if your wise men can make me a thread of sand." "And canst thou weave a thread of sand?" asked Pharaoh. "I can," responded Ikkor. Noting the direction of the sun, he bored a tiny hole in the wall, and a thin sunbeam gleamed through. Then, taking a few grains of sand he blew them through the hole and in the sunbeam they seemed like a thread.