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Dumsby's rest was equally sound in the next berth. This fact did not require proof by ocular demonstration; his nose announced it sonorously over the whole building. Passing to the kitchen, immediately below, Ruby found his old messmate, Jamie Dove, busy in the preparation of breakfast. "Ha! Ruby, good mornin'; you keep up your early habits, I see.

"You must know, boys " "'Ere, light your pipe, my 'earty," said Dumsby. "Hold yer tongue, an' don't interrupt him," cried one of the men, flattening Dumsby's cap over his eyes. "And don't drop yer haitches," observed another, "'cause if ye do they'll fall into the sea an' be drownded, an' then ye'll have none left to put into their wrong places when ye wants 'em." "Come, Bremner, go on."

"You must know, boys " "Ere, light your pipe, my 'earty," said Dumsby. "Hold yer tongue, an' don't interrupt him," cried one of the men, flattening Dumsby's cap over his eyes. "And don't drop yer Aaitches," observed another, "'cause if ye do they'll fall into the sea an' be drownded, an' then yell have none left to put into their wrong places when ye wants 'em." "Come, Bremner, go on."

Dumsby's rest was equally sound in the next berth. This fact did not require proof by ocular demonstration; his nose announced it sonorously over the whole building. Passing to the kitchen, immediately below, Ruby found his old messmate, Jamie Dove, busy in the preparation of breakfast. "Ha! Ruby, good mornin'; you keep up your early habits, I see.