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The lesson of Demas's life is clear, nay even obtrusively clear, and the need of it has been freely acknowledged at all times. We could almost wish that it were inscribed in letters of fire upon the midnight sky.

Some suppose that he took this step for the sake of gain for the sake of engaging in some lucrative trade. It may be so; but there is no evidence to prove it. These considerations, though they explain, do not excuse Demas's conduct. Far from it. He richly merits all the censure that has been meted out to him. He ought to have played the man, and braved any danger for the sake of his principles.

I didn't pursue the subject, for I had found Demas's silver-mine. If the Tobermory lay at Ranna for a week, Gresson would have time to do his own private business. Ranna would not be the spot, for the island was bare to the world in the middle of a much-frequented channel.

How many of those hapless delinquents might have been reclaimed, had the high, noble, generous spirit which animated the apostle been manifested towards them by those whose confidence they had betrayed, it is impossible to tell; but it is certain that not a few. The question that presents itself here is this: In what light are we to regard Demas's character?

But alas! these bright hopes had been cruelly shattered; for in the hour of his greatest need Demas had abandoned him. The apostle was too grieved to use harsh language too grieved, not only at his own disappointment, but also when he thought of Demas's own future.